How is my child’s education funded?

California’s educational funding has been drastically cut over the past 30 years. As a result, programs including art, music and libraries, that used to be included in standard public school curriculum, are at risk of being discontinued or severely scaled back. State funding, property taxes, and parcel taxes alone do not cover the funding gap for the quality education that our community wants to provide for our children.

This gap is filled by both the Wade Thomas Parents Association and the YES Foundation. Together these make up approximately 5% of the district’s budget (1% PTAs, 4% YES). 

Funding education
in the RVSD

Funding for
Wade Thomas Elementary school ONLY
Funding by
Wade Thomas Parents Association
Fundraising goal 2024-25
$150,000 per year
$500 per child

Classroom Parties and books
Children For Change (C4C), Mindfulness, Poetry
Community Picnic, DEI Mingles, Mustang Round-up, Field Day
Funding for
All 5 RVSD Schools
Funding by
YES Foundation
Fundraising goal 2024-25
$1,000,000 per year
$900 per child
All Art Programs
All Music Programs
School Library Books
Salaries for Art Teachers
Benefits for Art Teachers
Salaries for Music
Benefits for Music
Theater Program (tuition based)
We ask those who can to please donate.
Every contribution, no matter what amount, is appreciated and valued.
Please note that all donations cover the CURRENT school year's program costs.